Gait Analysis Offered at Mercy in Baltimore

The Institute for Foot and Ankle Reconstruction at Mercy in Baltimore offers on-site gait analysis. Our foot and ankle specialists may request a gait analysis to examine how pressure is distributed across the foot. The results of a gait analysis are used to develop the best treatment plan for the individual patient.

What is Gait Analysis?

A gait analysis is a non-invasive evaluation to measure foot function. There can be pathologic conditions of the foot that are visibly quite obvious during a physical examination but the planning of specific treatments may not be easy due to abnormal biomechanics of the foot.

The biomechanics of the foot are obtained by conducting a computer gait analysis. Reviewing the biomechanics of the foot can assist in developing the best treatment plans for various foot conditions.

How is a Gait Analysis performed?

A gait analysis is performed by having the patient walk across a walking pressure sensitive mat that is buried into the floor. As the patient walks across the mat, tiny optical sensors read the pressure of the foot in a time-force integral.

The pedobarograph image produced shows the areas of the foot that are bearing the most pressure. Understanding how the pressure is distributed across the foot can help determine the best treatment option for the patient.

The Institute for Foot and Ankle Reconstruction at Mercy includes a top rated team of surgeons who are dedicated to advanced treatments of common and complex foot and ankle disorders.