The Breast Reconstruction and Restoration Center at Mercy

The Breast Reconstruction and Restoration Center at Mercy offers women of Maryland one of the top Centers for breast reconstruction following breast cancer surgery. Mercy Medical Center breast reconstruction specialists are recognized experts in the full complement of breast reconstruction procedures as well as breast restoration techniques to enhance and contour the breast. Learn more at or call 1-800-MD-Mercy to make an appointment.

Breast Implant Reconstruction Offered at Mercy in Baltimore

Breast implants are a breast reconstruction option offered by the plastic surgeons at The Breast Reconstruction and Restoration Center at Mercy. Our doctors are skilled in performing breast reconstruction following mastectomy and work individually with patients and their breast surgeons to determine if breast implants are the best breast reconstruction option for their needs.

How are Breast Implants inserted during breast reconstruction?

A breast tissue expander is inserted under the chest muscle wall after the mastectomy. The tissue expander, similar to a balloon with a valve, is filled with sterile saline solution over the course of several months in order to stretch the skin so that the breast implants can be accommodated. The process continues until the reconstructed breast is slightly larger than the desired final size. During the surgery, a drain is inserted into each of the affected breasts. The mastectomy is usually performed as a skin sparing mastectomy and great care is taken to minimize scarring.

Is additional breast reconstruction surgery needed following the insertion of the Breast Implants?

The removal of the expander followed by the insertion of the breast implants is completed during outpatient surgery. The same incision used for the mastectomy is used to remove the tissue expander but only part of the incision is used. Patients experience some swelling after breast implants are placed. This swelling will cause the position of the breast to appear high; however, this will resolve itself as the swelling subsides. The final breast implants are a silicone shell filled with either silicone gel or saline solution.

How are Breast Implants as a breast reconstruction option coordinated with breast surgery?

Mercy's breast reconstruction surgeons coordinate breast and reconstruction surgery with the breast surgeons at The Hoffberger Breast Center at Mercy. The top rated team of breast and plastic surgeons works with patients to develop the best treatment plan for breast reconstruction following mastectomy. Breast implants can be inserted during a mastectomy or delayed to a later time often following the completion of chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment.

See Before and After Implant Breast Reconstruction Photos >

The Breast Reconstruction and Restoration Center at Mercy offers women expertise in breast reconstruction following breast cancer surgery.