Selective Nerve Root Block Treatment by Pain Specialists in Baltimore

Patients with back pain due to a herniated disc may consider selective nerve root blocks from the pain management doctors at The Center for Interventional Pain Medicine at Mercy in Baltimore as part of a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan.

What is a Selective Nerve Root Block?

Selective nerve root blocks targeting the cervical (upper), thoracic (middle) or lumbar (lower) regions of the spine help determine which nerve roots are causing pain. This is a very selective injection around a specific nerve root. 

How is a Selective Nerve Root Block performed?

By injecting numbing medication around a specific nerve root, our doctors can determine if the nerve root is the principal source of pain. This type of injection is used often for diagnostic purposes. If the pain decreases, then the correct nerve most likely has been located. By determining the pain source, proper treatment can be further prescribed.

Who should receive a Selective Nerve Root Block?

This type of injection is used often for diagnostic purposes. If the pain decreases, then the correct nerve most likely has been located. By determining the pain source, proper treatment can be further prescribed.

The Center for Interventional Pain Medicine at Mercy provides leading edge interventional pain treatment options to reduce the need for pain medications and alleviate chronic pain.