Uterine Fibroids Diagnosed and Treated by Gynecologists in Baltimore

The Institute for Gynecologic Care at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, includes top rated gynecologists making Mercy one of the Mid-Atlantic’s leaders in uterine fibroid diagnosis and treatment.

About Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths that form on the wall of the uterus, typically occurring in women of the reproductive age. Many women develop fibroids but are unaware of them because they often cause no symptoms and seldom require treatment. In other cases, fibroids can cause noticeable symptoms and should be diagnosed and treated by a qualified gynecologist.
Symptoms & Diagnosis

Some women who develop uterine fibroids may experience the following symptoms:

  • Heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding
  • Pelvic pain, especially during intercourse
  • Lower back pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Constipation

Along with pelvic exams and ultrasounds, uterine fibroids can be confirmed with hysteroscopy, in which a thin device is inserted through the vagina and the opening of the cervix to provide doctors a view inside the uterus.

Treatment Options for Uterine Fibroids

Many treatment options exist for uterine fibroids. While some fibroids may cause no noticeable symptoms, women should consult a qualified gynecologist. When uncomfortable symptoms do occur, options may include prescription medications. In some cases surgery such as myomectomy may be necessary to remove fibroids to reduce or eliminate symptoms.

Another treatment option may be minimally invasive surgery to shrink the fibroids. Mercy gynecologist Dr. Latasha Murphy is one of a select group of physicians in the Baltimore area to offer laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation utilizing the Acessa ProView® System. Acessa is an outpatient procedure designed specifically to treat fibroids. Small incisions are made in the abdomen allowing the insertion of an ultrasound probe and camera, which help to view the fibroids. The probe then heats only the fibroids, sparing healthy uterine tissue. The ablation causes the fibroids to shrink, which the body eventually absorbs. The recovery period is generally several days post procedure and once medically cleared, normal activities can resume. Patients typically see continued improvement throughout the year following the procedure.

The experienced team at The Institute for Gynecologic Care at Mercy can help you determine the treatment which is best suited for your needs.

New Treatment for Uterine Fibroids - Dr. Latasha Murphy - Mercy

Gynecologist Dr. Latasha Murphy discusses Acessa, which is a new treatment for uterine fibroids. Learn more at mdmercy.com

Treating Painful Uterine Fibroids - Dr. Latasha Murphy - Mercy

Dr. Latasha Murphy discusses treatment options for painful uterine fibroids. Learn more at mdmercy.com

Treatment of Fibroids - Dr. Meghan Lynch - Mercy

Mercy gynecologist Dr. Meghan Lynch discusses the diagnosis and treatment of fibroids. Learn more at mdmercy.com.

Uterine Fibroids - Dr. Latasha Murphy - Mercy

Mercy gynecologist Dr. Latasha Murphy discusses symptoms of and treatment for uterine fibroids. Learn more at mdmercy.com.
The Institute for Gynecologic Care at Mercy offers physician and surgical expertise in benign or non-cancerous conditions of the female genital tract as well as in malignant or cancerous conditions such as uterine, ovarian and cervical cancer.