Surgical Treatment for Lung Conditions at Mercy

Mercy's comprehensive program includes complete diagnosis and evaluation of lung disorders to help patients determine the best course of action for their condition. At The Lung Center at Mercy, our pulmonologists work closely with thoracic surgeons to provide surgical treatment when necessary.

About Surgical Treatments for Lung Disorders

There are a variety of ways to treat lung disorders including surgery. Lung surgery is used to repair or remove lung disease. Some lung disorders that do not respond to other treatment options or that can become severe may require surgery. Lung surgery is performed by a thoracic surgeon and offered at Mercy Medical Center.

Types of Surgery Procedures for Lung Disorders

There are several types of surgery performed for lung disorders. Some common lung surgeries may include:

  • Pneumonectomy
  • Lobectomy - can be performed using the daVinci robot
  • Sleeve Lobectomy
  • Wedge resection
  • Segment resection

How is a Lung Surgery performed?

Two common ways of performing lung surgery for lung disorders such as COPD are thoracotomy or video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). A thoracotomy, or open surgery involves cutting open the chest wall. VATS is a minimally invasive procedure used by making small incisions over the chest wall.

Why perform Lung Surgery?

Both thoracotomy or VATS procedures can be used for the reasons listed below. Sometimes VATS is not possible and therefore, a thoracotomy or open surgery is done.

A thoracotomy may be necessary due to:

  • Remove a lung due to a lung disorder (lung cancer)
  • Collapse of lung tissue
  • Complication from emphysema, a form of chronic COPD
  • Remove blood in the lungs or blood clots
  • Remove tumors
  • Inflate collapsed lung tissue
  • Eliminate lung infection
  • Impede fluid buildup in chest cavity
  • Biopsy
The Lung Center at Mercy offers highly-skilled physician expertise for the treatment of a broad spectrum of pulmonary disorders, including COPD, lung cancer, hemoptysis, pleural effusions and sleep disorders.