
MyChart Mercy

Our secure electronic health record makes managing your health care more convenient.

MyChart Mercy

Your In-Person Appointment

Your Telemedicine Appointment

What is MyChart Mercy?

MyChart Mercy is a secure, electronic health record system. Offered by Mercy's extensive provider network, MyChart Mercy allows patients to store, access and track all of their health information in one convenient place. Patients can easily view their medical information as well as actively manage their health by scheduling new appointments, viewing lab tests and refilling prescriptions. 

MyChart Mercy is accessible online or via the MyChart app, available in the App Store or Google Play Store.

Features & Benefits

Text Notifications

Mercy offers text notifications to assist with health management. Patients may receive text messages such as appointment reminders, billing notifications and prescription management messages.

Managing Communication Preferences in MyChart

To view or manage your communication preferences, including text messages, log into MyChart Mercy online or via the app and select "Communication Preferences" from the "Account Settings" section of the main menu.

Text Messaging FAQs

I recently received a message about opting in to health messages from Mercy Medical. Why did I receive this text?

  •  Mercy recently enhanced text messaging services to better serve patients. As part of this process, "Welcome" messages were sent to patients to confirm their mobile number and communication preferences.

Can I opt in for text messages from only one Mercy provider or one Mercy location?

  • Patients can manage the types of notifications (related to appointments, billing, etc.) they would like to receive via text; however, opting in to messages will apply to all Mercy providers and locations the patient is affiliated with.

How can I change my communication preferences if I don't have a MyChart Mercy account?

  • If you do not currently have a MyChart Mercy account and want more information on your communication preferences, please call your provider's office directly so a staff member can assist you.

Do charges apply? Where can I learn more about text messaging with Mercy?

Online Scheduling

Current patients who are enrolled for MyChart Mercy can schedule appointments with their doctors and provider team. Simply log into MyChart online or via the app and click "Schedule an Appointment" in the navigation menu.

Fast Pass

Were you hoping to get an earlier appointment with a specialist or provider? MyChart Mercy offers Fast Pass, an automated wait list.

Patients can add themselves to the wait list in MyChart and receive offers for earlier appointment slots if they become available. These offers can be accepted or declined in MyChart. If the offer is accepted, the initial appointment is canceled and the new appointment is automatically scheduled.

Available for most Mercy practices and providers

Online Check-in & Arrival

Patients can use MyChart Mercy to complete their pre-appointment paperwork, pay their co-pay and let the staff know when they have arrived for their appointment. Learn more >

Lab Results

View lab results directly in MyChart Mercy by visiting MyChart Mercy online or in the app and clicking "Test Results" in the navigation menu.

Prescription Refills

Save time by requesting prescription refills via MyChart Mercy! Go to MyChart Mercy online or in the app and click "Medications" to view a list of your current medications and request prescription refills, which can be sent directly to your preferred pharmacy.

Online Bill Pay & Payment Plans

MyChart Mercy supports paperless billing. All MyChart Mercy users are automatically enrolled in paperless billing. If you have questions or need assistance, please call 410-951-1700. Patients can opt out of paperless billing by navigating to the "Billing Summary" area of their MyChart account.

Online Bill Pay

Patients can pay their medical bills online through MyChart Mercy. Patients who are not enrolled in MyChart Mercy can use the "Pay as Guest" button to make a payment.

Billing Notifications

MyChart Mercy users will be automatically enrolled in billing alerts (email and MyChart app alerts). These alerts notify patients of:

  • A new statement
  • A new self-pay balance
  • Updates to self-pay balances
  • New estimates
  • If an automatic payment method is about to expire or has been declined

Patients can also sign up for text alerts through their MyChart Mercy account by navigating to "Communication Preferences."

Payment Plans

MyChart Mercy allows patients to take a self-pay balance and break it down into smaller, more manageable payments in a scheduled cycle. To enroll, log into MyChart Mercy.

Medical Records Requests

Medical records are managed by Mercy's Health Information Services Department and can be requested via MyChart Mercy. Learn more about obtaining a copy of your medical records or birth certificate.

MyChart Mercy

Your In-Person Appointment

Your Telemedicine Appointment