Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis Treated by Mercy Physicians

Mercy gastroenterologists and minimally invasive surgeons treat diverticular disease, a condition that affects the intestines and may cause abdominal pain or rectal bleeding. Our surgeons use advanced techniques that can improve recovery time and lessen discomfort from surgery.


Diverticular Disease

About Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis

What is the difference between Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis?

Diverticulosis is a condition in which small areas of the lining of the digestive tract bulge outward and form pouches or sacs (diverticula). Diverticula occur most often in the left side of the large intestine in the areas called the descending colon and the sigmoid colon. Diverticula are common in both men and women later in life.

Sometimes one or more of these pouches becomes inflamed or infected. This is called diverticulitis. It can lead to complications such as abscess, fistula (an abnormal connecting passage between the inflamed area and another part of the abdominal area), narrowing of the colon, or peritonitis (infection of the entire abdominal cavity).

Symptoms & Diagnosis

Diverticulosis may cause occasional bloating or abdominal discomfort, but most people have no symptoms may not even realize that they have this condition.

If diverticulitis develops it often happens as an acute attack. The following symptoms are likely to occur:

  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain, usually on the lower left side
  • Pain can be severe, and may come and go
  • Abdominal tenderness and bloating
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Nausea and vomiting

Your doctor will do a physical exam and order blood tests to check for signs of infection and abnormal bleeding. Other tests may be used to locate the infected area of the colon such as CT scan, Barium enema and colonoscopy.

Treatment Options for Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis

Diverticulosis and diverticulitis can often be treated with antibiotics, rest and changes in diet. Hospitalization is sometimes necessary. Serious cases may require surgery. Laparoscopic surgical techniques can be used to remove the diseased area of diverticula. Then the healthy sections of the colon are reconnected.

Minimally invasive surgery is often the treatment of choice for cases of diverticulosis and diverticulitis that do not respond to other treatment. Advantages of minimally invasive surgery may include little or no scarring, a shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery time.

Follow-up care is essential after treatment of diverticulosis and diverticulitis. New diverticula may form, but cause no symptoms in the beginning. Your doctor can recommend how often you should have physical checkups and colonoscopies.

The Melissa L. Posner Institute for Digestive Health & Liver Disease at Mercy provides diagnosis and treatment for a range of gastroenterology issues including heartburn, liver disease, bowel conditions, motility disorders and pancreatic disease.