Frozen Shoulder Treated by Top Orthopedic Doctors
When patients experience shoulder pain or stiffness, they turn to the orthopedic doctors at Mercy. Mercy's team specializes in diagnosing shoulder conditions, including frozen shoulder, and offering treatment options aimed at getting patients back to normal activities.
Experienced physicians at The Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Hand Center at Mercy, Sports Medicine at Mercy and Orthopedics and Joint Replacement at Mercy offer diagnosis and treatment for this condition.
Frozen shoulder symptoms include:
- Extremely limited motion
- Pain when attempting to move the arm
- Stiffness in the shoulder
Symptoms of frozen shoulder develop gradually and eventually get worse. Often within a year to two years the symptoms will disappear.
Diagnosis of a frozen shoulder most often is made during a physical exam performed by an orthopedic doctor specializing in shoulder conditions. The shoulder specialist will have patients move their arms in certain directions to evaluate pain and range of motion.
In addition, the orthopedic specialist will move the arm while patients relax their muscles. This test helps to distinguish between frozen shoulder and rotator cuff injury.
Frozen shoulder treatment options include:
- Anti-inflammatory medications
- Aggressive therapy program
- Corticosteroid injections
Most frozen shoulders do not need surgical intervention because they heal on their own. When surgery is needed, treatment options include:
- Manipulation of the shoulder joint
- Release of capsule tissue using arthroscopic techniques