Tennis Elbow Treated by Orthopedic Doctors in Baltimore

Orthopedic and sports medicine surgeons at Mercy specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of upper extremity conditions, including tennis elbow. Patients in Baltimore seek Mercy's expertise in providing treatment options to relieve the pain associated with tennis elbow. 

About Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) causes pain at the outside of the elbow due to inflammation of the tendons attached at the elbow that extend or bend back the wrist and fingers.

Tennis elbow is caused by repetitive motion of the wrist and arm. Overuse and muscle strain associated with repetitive motion causes the tendons to tear where the forearm connects to the elbow. Tennis elbow is different than golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) in which pain occurs at the inside of the elbow.

Symptoms & Diagnosis

Symptoms of tennis elbow include pain in the outside of the elbow that can be felt through the forearm and wrist. The pain can make it difficult to grasp or shake hands.

Tennis elbow is diagnosed by taking a medical history and conducting a physical exam. X-rays and MRIs may be used to view the elbow’s bone and tissue to rule out other hand, wrist and elbow conditions.

Treatment Options for Tennis Elbow

Treatment options for tennis elbow include:

  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Bracing
  • Stretching and strengthening
  • Cortisone shots

Surgery rarely is required to relieve tennis elbow symptoms.

The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital at Mercy combines surgical expertise and advanced technologies to offer renowned Centers focused on a full range of bone and joint conditions, injury care, joint preservation and orthopedic reconstruction surgery.