Genetic Testing and Counseling Services

Patients at Mercy have direct access to genetic counselors and services aimed at promoting health, preventing disease and finding new breakthrough treatments.

Genetic Counseling Services

Individuals or families who have a family history of any type of cancer or genetic medical condition may consider genetic counseling services.

Genetic counseling and genetic testing includes a complete evaluation of family history and personal risk factors to help inform patients and prevent disease.

Cancer genetic counseling and testing is available with an experienced staff who works closely with each patient to determine individual cancer risk, provide counseling regarding cancer genetic testing and develop a detailed preventive health plan to manage risk.

You may benefit from genetic counseling if any one of the following applies:

  • You or a close relative have the same or related cancer
  • You or a close relative have been diagnosed with more than one type of cancer
  • You are of Eastern European Jewish ancestry with a family history of cancer
  • You have a family history of any rare cancer
  • You or a close relative are known to have a genetic mutation that can increase the risk of cancer

Many insurance carriers including Medicare will cover physician visits for genetic counseling and will cover genetic testing if certain criteria are met. Patients who are interested in genetic counseling should talk with their doctor.

Please call 410-951-7950 for more information.