
Correction of Blood Flow to the Kidneys and GI Tract

The Vascular Center at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland is a comprehensive Center specializing in circulatory system disorders. Our vascular surgeons offer a variety of advanced treatment options to correct impaired blood flow to the kidneys and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

What is Correction of Blood Flow to the Kidneys and GI Tract?

Proper blood flow to the kidneys and GI tract is critical to the function of the organs. In some cases, blood flow can be impaired, diminishing the effectiveness of the organs and their intended functions. Atherosclerosis, a buildup of fatty deposits on the artery walls, is a common cause for impaired blood flow to the kidneys and GI tract. In the kidneys, this impaired blood flow may be referred to as renal artery stenosis. In the GI tract, it is known as intestinal ischemia.

Types of procedures for Correcting Blood Flow to the Kidneys and GI Tract:

Some cases of impaired blood flow to the kidneys and GI tract can be treated with medications aimed at treating the underlying causes of impaired blood flow. In more severe cases, surgery may be required. This may include the use of angioplasty and stenting.

How is a Correction of Blood Flow to the Kidneys and GI Tract performed?

In a case where surgery is required, vascular surgeons may perform the following:

  • Balloon Angioplasty – a treatment option that allows vascular surgeons to treat diseased vessels from the inside to alleviate vein and artery blockages
  • Stenting – a wire mesh tube that is placed in the vein or artery to secure the walls to allow blood to flow
The Vascular Center at Mercy offers comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of circulatory system disorders including stroke and mini stroke, leg pain and swelling, blood clots in veins, aneurysms, varicose veins and circulatory disease.