Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement Performed at Mercy
Orthopedic surgeons at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore offer innovative surgical options and clinical expertise for shoulder conditions. Patients suffering from shoulder pain seek Mercy's doctors for their expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of shoulder injuries including reverse total shoulder replacement and total shoulder replacement.
Experienced physicians at The Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Hand Center at Mercy, Sports Medicine at Mercy and Orthopedics and Joint Replacement at Mercy offer reverse total shoulder replacement.
What is Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement?
Reverse total shoulder replacement is a surgical procedure that replaces the shoulder’s ball and socket in the opposite location than the original anatomy of the shoulder joint. In a reverse total shoulder replacement, the ball is inserted where the socket had been located and the socket is inserted where the ball had been located.
With a reverse total shoulder replacement, the ball and socket are reversed from a total shoulder replacement in which the ball is replaced with the ball and the socket with a socket.
Who should receive a Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement?
Candidates for a reverse total shoulder replacement include patients who have:
- Large or complete rotator cuff tear
- Cuff tear arthropathy
- Previous shoulder replacements
- Shoulder pain
Shoulder Joint Journey Program for Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement Patients
For patients considering reverse shoulder replacement due to chronic arthritis, injury or pain, Mercy offers the Shoulder Joint Journey program. The program provides patients with the information, support and resources necessary to help patients recover more quickly and comfortably. Our team of experienced orthopedic shoulder surgeons, physician assistants, nurses and therapists are specially trained in shoulder replacement surgery and provide care and guidance before, during and after the procedure.
When is a Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement the best option?
A reverse total shoulder replacement is the best treatment option for patients who have a complete rotator cuff tear or cuff tear arthropathy. A reverse total shoulder replacement does not rely on the rotator cuff to help with arm motion like the original shoulder anatomy or a traditional total shoulder replacement do.