Brain Surgery Performed by Expert Neurosurgeons at Mercy


Craniotomy and Craniectomy

Neurosurgeons of The Minimally Invasive Brian and Spine Center at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, offer advanced surgical treatment options for a variety of brain conditions and disorders.

What is Brain Surgery?

Brain surgery is the treatment of conditions, disorders or injuries to the brain and surrounding areas through operative or manual procedures. Brain surgery typically requires the use of medical instruments to repair physical abnormalities caused by disease or injury. Brain surgery can vary in complexity depending on the particular condition. 

Types of Brain Surgery

There are different types of brain surgery. The type of brain surgery used by your surgeon may depend on several variables, including the type and location of the condition being treated.

Open brain surgery, or traditional brain surgery, involves one or more incisions to the scalp in the area requiring treatment. The surgeon then creates a hole in the skull, known as a bone flap, to gain access to the brain. Additional steps are taken to treat the particular condition, such as the removal of a brain tumor or the clipping of a cerebral aneurysm.

The doctors of The Minimally Invasive Brain and Spine Center at Mercy specialize in minimally invasive brain surgery. Minimally invasive brain surgery uses state-of-the-art technologies that may limit the size and quantity of incisions while improving precision and accuracy. This typically results in less pain for the patient, shorter hospital stays and quicker recovery times compared to traditional open surgeries.

Minimally invasive brain surgery may be used to treat conditions such as aneurysms, brain tumors, hydrocephalus and pituitary tumors.

  • Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Brain Surgery (including endonasal and neuroendoscopy) is a type of minimally invasive treatment that uses an endoscope, a thin device equipped with a light and a camera. The endoscope provides the surgeon a view of the area being treated and access to the brain through the nose or small holes in the skull.
  • Neurosurgery Imaging and Surgical Navigation (StealthStation®) is a tool used to aid in minimally invasive brain surgery. The system combines advanced surgical planning software, instrument tracking technologies and intra-operative imaging. The system allows the surgeon to make data-driven decisions while precisely tracking their surgical instruments in relation to patient anatomy.
The Minimally Invasive Brain and Spine Center offers state-of-the-art technologies and clinical expertise to provide advanced treatment options for neurosurgical conditions.