Hormone Replacement Therapy Offered in Baltimore

The Institute for Gynecologic Care at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, provides patients comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic conditions and disorders. Our gynecologists offer hormone replacement therapy for patients with menopause and related conditions.

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy is the prescription of medications containing female hormones.

How is a Hormone Replacement Therapy performed?

Hormone replacement therapy requires medication containing female hormones, such as estrogen. Estrogen therapy is the most effective treatment option for relieving menopausal hot flashes. Depending on your personal and family medical history, your doctor may recommend estrogen in the lowest dose needed to provide symptom relief for you.

If you still have your uterus, you'll need progestin in addition to estrogen. Estrogen also helps prevent bone loss. And hormone therapy may benefit your heart if started within five years after your last menstrual period.

Who should receive a Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy may be prescribed to replace female hormones the body no longer produces. A lack in production of female hormones might be the result of menopause – the permanent end of menstruation for women typically in their 40s or 50s. Severe symptoms of menopause may include:

  • Severe hot flashes
  • Loss of bone mass
  • Premature menopause (before age 40)

A lack in production of female hormones also might be a result of a total hysterectomy, in which the ovaries that produce hormones have been removed. The gynecologists at The Institute for Gynecologic Care will evaluate the risk factors, your medical history and a thorough examination to help determine whether hormone replacement therapy is a suitable option.

The Institute for Gynecologic Care at Mercy offers physician and surgical expertise in benign or non-cancerous conditions of the female genital tract as well as in malignant or cancerous conditions such as uterine, ovarian and cervical cancer.