VenaSeal - Venous Reflux Disease and Varicose Vein Treatment Offered at Mercy
The Vascular Center at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, is a comprehensive center specializing in circulatory system disorders. Our vascular doctors are experienced and skilled in the use of VenaSeal.
VenaSeal is a procedure for treating venous reflux disease or venous insufficiency, a vascular condition affecting the blood flow in the lower extremities. Venous reflux disease frequently causes varicose veins.
What is VenaSeal?
The VenaSeal closure system is a minimally invasive treatment option that is performed in the doctor's office to improve blood flow by closing diseased veins. The VenaSeal system uses a medical adhesive (sometimes referred to as "vein glue") to close varicose veins and treat venous reflux disease.
VenaSeal eliminates traditional anesthesia, compression stockings and invasive surgical procedures. Most people can return to their normal lifestyle almost immediately after the VenaSeal procedure.
How is the VenaSeal procedure performed?
VenaSeal is performed in the doctor’s office. The patient receives medication to numb the affected area. A clear catheter is inserted in the vein, and a medical adhesive is delivered and applied to the vein, causing the vein to close and seal. The procedure forces blood to take a different route through healthy veins. The diseased vein becomes absorbed by the body. The VenaSeal procedure typically takes 30 minutes. Following the procedure patients spend time in recovery before they are discharged the same day.
Who are the best candidates for VenaSeal?
People who experience lifestyle-limiting lower leg pain, swelling, skin damage and ulcerations due to varicose veins are potential candidates for VenaSeal. The vascular surgeon will perform a complete physical exam that will include a comprehensive look at symptoms along with an ultrasound exam to assess the extent of disease in the legs.
Your doctor will help you determine if VenaSeal may be a good treatment option for you.